Brush Up on GovCMS Training Videos Before Year’s End

Monday 30 October 2023

In 2020, we paired up with Salsa Digital to create over 20 Content Administration training videos as part of our open ethos and have added a few along the way. Alongside our Content Administration training manual, these videos are a great starting point for all newcomers to GovCMS. They are short, visual walkthroughs that provide step-by-step processes on 'how to’ use GovCMS.

We currently have 27 videos on the website, in the Content Administration series. 3 are FUNdamentals and 2 are FUNctionality videos including:

Available 24/7, these videos are a great way to refresh your knowledge. With the end of year approaching at speed, don’t forget about our GovCMS Training. Content Administration and Site Builder training have one session each for the remainder of the year. If you are interested in attending either of these sessions, scheduled in November 2023, please visit our Training page. Our Training page provides the opportunity for you to decide which training is best for you. The training we offer includes ways to help you learn all things GovCMS.

If you want to provide feedback on our training or would like to know more about GovCMS, please contact us. Your feedback is important to us.